GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY, named one of TIME magazine's most influential people, retired in October 2015 after 41 years of military service. He now teaches leadership and public policy as a Rubenstein Fellow at Duke University and serves as Chairman of USA Basketball. General Dempsey is co-author of the bestselling leadership book Radical Inclusion: What the Post-9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership and author of the new book: No Time For Spectators: The Lessons That Mattered Most From West Point To The West Wing.

Everyday Courage, Building Trust, Leadership is a Privilege with Gen(R) Martin E. Dempsey

General Dempsey Board Retirement

2024 USMA 100th Night Banquet

Possibilities Forum: A conversation between two iconic leaders

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
-Maya Angelou

Martin E. Dempsey and Peter Feaver publish an opinion piece in The Washington Post: Our Military is Busy Enough. Stop Dragging It into Partisan Politics. (13 Nov 2024)
Duke Orthopaedics host Gen. Martin E. Dempsey (Ret.) as the Veterans Day Visiting Professor at Grand Rounds, where he shared insights on his military career, USA Basketball, and approach to leadership. (6 Nov 2024)
Retired Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is reelected USA Basketball chairperson for the 2025-28 quadrennium, a role he has served since 2016. (23 Oct 2024)
The Bob Woodruff Foundation honors General Dempsey for 10 years of service to the board. (16 Apr 2024)
Two iconic leaders, Coach Mike Krzyzewski and retired General Martin Dempsey, discuss leadership and opportunities for a career in the Army at the Possibilities Forum. (6 Apr 2023)
Retired Army Gen. Martin Dempsey receives VFW’s Distinguished Service Award at the 123rd VFW National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. (18 Jul 2022)
We Are The Mighty publishes 8 Times General Dempsey Wowed Audiences with his Singing Ability, an article containing videos of some of the General's vocal performances. (1 Apr 2021)
General Dempsey virtually participates in the New Jersey Hall of Fame induction ceremony. (19 Oct 2020)
The New Jersey Hall of Fame Class of 2019-2020 includes General Dempsey for his contributions to public service. (5 Aug 2020)
NBA.com interviews General Dempsey on leadership and what it means to live a "felt life." (28 May 2020)
General Dempsey and the U.S. Army band, Downrange, release their rendition of the song "America" to ABC News. (14 May 2020)
No Time for Spectators: The Lessons that Mattered Most from West Point to the West Wing by Martin E. Dempsey is released. (12 May 2020)
Sports Business Journal publishes A Matter of Trust by Bill King about how sports organizations are helping their employees navigate times of uncertainty. (11 May 2020)
No Time for Spectators: The Lessons that Mattered Most from West Point to the West Wing is available for pre-order on Amazon. (11 Jan 2020)
General Dempsey is selected by the Council of Trustees of the Association of the U.S. Army as the recipient of the 2019 George Catlett Marshall Medal for sustained commitment to America’s armed forces. (27 Apr 2019)
The New York Times publishes a story on General Dempsey's tweets. (1 Feb 2019)
General Dempsey coauthors a national security opinion piece with Gen. Pierre de Viellers (France), Gen. Nick Houghton (United Kingdom): In a dangerous world, everyone needs trustworthy friends. (20 Mar 2018)
General Dempsey talks Radical Inclusion and leadership with Steve Inskeep on NPR Morning Edition. (8 Mar 2018)
Radical Inclusion: What the Post-9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership by Martin E. Dempsey and Ori Brafman is released. (7 Mar 2018)
In an article in Task & Purpose, General Dempsey talks leadership, respect, humility, and inclusiveness. (2 Feb 2018)
General Dempsey speaks on leadership, North Korea, and even poetry on NPR's Diane Rehm Show. (20 Oct 2017)
Radical Inclusion: What the Post-9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership is available for pre-order on Amazon. (13 Oct 2017)
General Dempsey is featured in Reuters' First Job series. (31 Aug 2017)
General Dempsey is named a Distinguished Graduate of West Point for his 41 years of service and leadership for the nation. (23 May 2017)
General Dempsey receives the James Joyce Award for Accomplishments in Human Endeavors. (7 May 2017)
General Dempsey discusses his goals for USA Basketball on ESPN's Capital Games. (18 Nov 2016)
General Dempsey is elected Chairman of USA Basketball. (14 Nov 2016)
Queen Elizabeth II honors General Dempsey as an Honorary Knight of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his commitment to defense cooperation between the U.K. and the U.S. (16 Oct 2016)
In an article published in USA Today, General Dempsey reminds us why we stand for the National Anthem. (18 Sep 2016)
General Dempsey is named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. (16 Apr 2015)